The Salale Volunteer Society (WTOS) in collaboration with volunteers in the Lammi Kura district of Finland donated educational materials. The recently established association is currently involved in various voluntary activities in collaboration with government and non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and other bodies. However, the community of the district is currently facing various problems due to the crisis, especially the problem in the field of education is serious. Accordingly, realizing the reality from the first phase of support, WTOS today held a handover ceremony in the presence of the district leaders and also the mayor of Fitchee. The donation of educational materials is estimated at over 700,000 birr .Alongside, a tree planting program was conducted. We have agreed to various additional commitments. On the other hand, the Salale Volunteer Association is doing many development works and volunteering to support the community of the district and I would like to invite various people and organizations to support the community with their skills and resources. WTOS